A LifeGroup isn’t just about the activities—it’s about the connections you make. We all do better with a little support, and that’s what LifeGroups are all about. Whether you’re new, leading, or have been around for a while, there’s a spot just for you!
Leadership within a Small Group isn’t about having everything figured out – it’s about embracing the journey, knowing that God can work wonders through your willingness to take that step forward. To lead, you just need to choose a topic close to your heart, pick a time and place that suits your group, and embark on a shared exploration. Our toolkit includes invaluable resources like online leadership training and a platform for others to discover your group, offering unwavering support throughout the semester.
We firmly believe that LifeGroups are divine avenues for transforming lives, and as a Small Group leader, you’re an essential part of this incredible journey.
If you’re ready to spark the flame of a Small Group, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, let’s embark on this empowering adventure!