lf YTH

6th – 12th graders

every Wednesday @ 7pm

get to know

who we are

We exist to not just know their name, but know their story.

Our youth meets on our campus every Wednesday night from 7:00-8:30pm. This is the weekly chance when all our 6th – 12th graders come together for a experience catered to them. Each Wednesday night includes powerful worship and relevant messages.

mission trip

We’re going to El Salvador! Our LFYTH team is thrilled for this opportunity to spread God’s word and be His hands and feet. This trip will challenge our students and leaders to step out of their comfort zones and boldly live out their faith. It’s a step toward fulfilling the Great Commission—to go, make disciples, and preach the gospel. Thank you for saying YES to the call!

youth camp

Youth Camp is coming for 6th-12th graders! Don’t miss out on the best camp experience of your life filled with amazing worship, incredible messages and lasting memories.

join the crew

We know becoming a teenager can be difficult at times, but we also know it’s better in community. That’s why we have a class designed just for 6th, 7th & 8th graders every Sunday at 10:00 am (Anna Campus) and 11:30 am (McKinney Campus) in the Growth Track Room. This is an opportunity for them to interact with one another, dive into God’s Word, and apply it to their lives. Following Jesus isn’t easy, but it’s a lot better when we do it together.

get connected

From social media to life groups to the next steps, we want you to get connected and stay connected. To find all of these things, simply click one of the buttons below: