Equip Groups are primarily designed to be a learning environment where we can deepen our walk with Jesus by learning more about Him and His Word.



God has designed marriage to be a supportive, loving, life-giving relationship that mirrors His own unconditional love for us. Re|engage will help you better understand that design and learn how to apply it to your own marriage.

Re|engage is for one man, one woman couples who are married (in other words, this is not for seriously dating, engaged, or cohabitating couples). Previously married couples who are separated or divorced and are considering reconciliation are encouraged to attend as well.



The Freedom Track is made up of two different groups, which are designed to equip you to live the victorious and abundant life Christ came to give you. These two Life Groups are offered as a part of the Fall and Spring Life Groups semesters.

No matter if you are a new believer or have been walking with God for decades, the Freedom Track will build on the foundation of your faith in Christ. You will learn how to embrace the truth of God’s Word as it relates to your worldview, your past, your sin, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom.

If you are ready to experience life to the fullest, jump on the Freedom Track by attending and completing one of the classes we offer: 


You were created to live the plentiful (abundant) life that Jesus promised to those who follow Him. This is more than joining Him in heaven one day, it is living the victorious life He intended for us to live on earth. But, in order to access that promise you, have to understand that freedom isn’t about getting you out of your mess. It’s about removing barriers that keep you from a more intimate relationship with God.

In this 11 week class you will learn: 

  • How to truly see God and how He sees you.
  • How to find him in the scriptures (bible) and how to hear God.
  • Understanding freedom
  • Inner healing
  • Breaking curses
  • Soul ties
  • Forgiveness
  • Deliverance
  • And how to stay free.

Free Indeed

Free Indeed is an eight-week experience that will point you toward a truly transformed life in Christ. You will learn how to overcome brokenness from your past and how to wage effective spiritual warfare in the present. The class will culminate with a Saturday designed to activate healing and freedom that Jesus purchased on the cross for you.

This eight-week experience has the potential to truly change your life. 

  • Establish faith in your life for real change and transformation.
  • Teach you how to hear and respond to the Holy Spirit.
  • Give you insight into the sources of your brokenness and God’s solutions for you.
  • Teach you about your power and authority as a follower of Jesus.
  • Teach you how to identify and close the doors that have given the enemy access to your life and family, including curses, generational sin, and soul ties.
  • Set you free from demonic oppression and equip you to minister freedom to others
  • Empower you to find and walk in continual freedom.
  • Connect you in authentic, life-giving relationships with others

McKinney Campus:

Anna Campus:

Living the Christian Life


In John 10:10, Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly”. Interestingly, Jesus offers this to all His children, without exception. The only condition is that this life is offered only in Him, through abiding in Him as our normal life. Yet as simple as this sounds, you probably noticed that many followers of Christ seem to live similar lives to those who do not follow Him. 

Since He offers this life to all His children, without exception, perhaps there is something wonderful for us all to learn. That is the purpose of this highly interactive class. We will use the powerful and living Word of God to see what He longs to give us, His beloved children.

The Abundant Life class is an excellent complement to the Freedom and Re|Engage classes. In this class, we will learn to go deeper into understanding and to live this life Christ came to give us. Specifically, we will learn:

  • How to understand and live in the power of His Word
  • How to live life in the Kingdom as our normal life
  • How to actually live the identity He has given us
  • How to hear from God clearly and personally in all our situations
  • How to completely and forever overcome guilt and shame, which are 2 of our enemy’s greatest weapons against us
  • Having learned to live this abundant life as normal, how to now invite others to this incredible and supernatural life!

Transform Your Financial Life in Nine Lessons


Join us for a life-changing experience with Financial Peace University, a nine-lesson course by Dave Ramsey, America’s foremost financial expert. This program is designed to guide you through the fundamentals of financial management, including budgeting, debt elimination, and planning for the future.

What to Expect:

– Effective Budgeting: Learn to create and maintain a budget that suits your lifestyle.
– Debt Reduction Strategies: Discover powerful methods to get out of debt.
– Future Financial Planning: Gain insights into saving for retirement and other long-term goals.
– Community Support: Engage with fellow participants in a supportive, encouraging environment.

Financial Peace University is more than just a class; it’s a pathway to financial independence and peace of mind. Whether you’re struggling with financial issues or looking to enhance your financial wellbeing, this course offers the necessary tools and motivation.

Sign up now and take the first step towards a financially secure and peaceful future!