Culture Value 02

Find Freedom

We lay our lives down to give the love we’ve been given

Bible Verse

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends
John 15:12-13

More Resources

For Parents



Kids loving other kids can come naturally when they are little. But, if we don’t actively remind kids and teach them WHY we love people, that instinct will fade. Let’s be a church who prioritizes Teaching Kids to Love their Neighbor. Check out this article!
Parents, here’s a great devotion for your student on what it really means to love others. Read it, and then share the link with your student!

Meditation Question

What keeps you from loving others more?

Weekly Challenge

  • Listen to someone
  • Serve someone
  • Speak words of life over someone
  • Fogive someone