Re|Engage is a safe place for couples to reconnect. This ministry offers hope to marriages by helping couples move toward oneness through stories of grace, teaching, and small groups. 
Re|Engage is designed for couples who want to grow closer together while growing closer to God. Marriages in any condition and at any stage of life can benefit from Re|Engage.
Sunday nights are OPEN Group, meaning you are welcome to join us at any time throughout the semester. We encourage you to come every Sunday for testimonial videos of restored marriages, relevant teaching, and meaningful discussion with other couples. 
Over the course of the semester we will form separate CLOSED Groups for those couples who have been regularly attending OPEN Group, and are ready to begin the full Re|Engage 14-week curriculum. This is an invitation based process to ensure couples embarking on the Closed Group journey are prepared to participate in a deeper level of authenticity, community, and personal growth with God and each other. We also ask each couple joining the Closed Group to commit to regular attendance throughout the 14 weeks. These Closed Groups will meet in separate small group settings.  
It all starts with OPEN Group and we hope you decide to come join us! To be a part of the OPEN Group on Sunday nights, simply click on the Request to Join link on this page, fill in your information, and show up with your spouse! 
For more information on the Re|Engage  program and video testimonials, visit the Re|engage website at  
Please Note:  Re|Engage is designed facilitated for married couples. Both husband and wife EACH need to register, so we can track attendance accurately. All married couples are welcome, but please attend with your spouse. 
LF Kids Program is provided