“The enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy.” (John 10:10). His plan is to scorch the earth, push us from a relationship with our Father, and has no plan to surrender. “He prowls looking for someone to devour “( 1 Peter 5:8-9 ) We must stand together and fight for our integrity as Christian men. Confession and repentance lead to healing. We can stand together with Jesus and fight. In Him, we have won. He is waiting on us to step out and put the full armor on. He is ready for the fight. Are we?

In the integrity LifeGroup we will read and discuss a book chosen per that semester as well as be accountable to each other. We tackle subjects like family relationships and how lust, addictions, and sinful nature affect our lives and the lives of those around us 

“For There Is Nothing
Hidden That Will Not Be Disclosed, And Nothing Concealed That Will Not Be Known Or Brought Out Into The Open. “ ( Luke 8:17)